New Covenant

God is gracious in the Old Testament. But in the New Testament the grace becomes more costly, as it requires the blood of Jesus. In this message, Bob reminds us that greater love motivates us to greater sacrifice.


God makes deals with the community that are called covenants. These require participation from God and Israel. In this message, Bob shows how the story of Scripture is a series of covenants that embody God's grace, expectations, and continued presence.


Humans are not meant to be alone. God gives us a mission to expand and share a blessing with the nations. In the ministry of Jesus this is done by gathering the widest group of people and living with them in a way that reinforces the values of God.


The creation accounts of Genesis 1-2 do not attempt a scientific description of the world's origins, but instead show how God's identity, values, and agenda are present in God's creative action. In this message, Bob shows how these texts function for the worship and formation of Christians today.

Sexual Sin

Romans 1 describes what happens when humanity refuses to worship or give thanks to God. Sexual immorality is part of this decline. In this message, Bob discusses forms of sexual misconduct and how White Station can provide community for those wrestling with sexual sins.

Broken Friendships

Friendship is incredibly rewarding but not always easy. Friendships can be durable, but they are fragile, too. God can do a lot through a healthy friendship and can even work through a broken one. Broken friendships provide opportunities to start new friendships. The story of Paul and Barnabas provides instruction and encouragement as we navigate friendships.

Financial Hardship

Many of us will deal with financial hardship. But it can be hard to talk about with others. This message reminds us that God consoles us in our affliction so that we can console others.

One of the most significant conflicts between Jesus and religious leaders relates to Sabbath observance. Jesus argues that they had missed the point and forgotten the intentions of the day. By doing so, ministers in a way that looks wrong, but aligns with God's heart.

Recent figures indicate that 36% of Americans struggle with deep loneliness, while the number goes up to 61% for those 18-25. This message shows how the formation of community is central to God's creative purposes in the world and to the nature of the gospel.

The Bible tells us to be mercifull. But mercy can be really difficult to show, since mercy is not contrasted with hate or greed. Instead, mercy is contrasted with things that normally sound good, like righteous acts, judgment (justice), and sacrifice.

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