Those rebuilding the wall experience financial hardship during a time of famine. Nehemiah attributes the hardship to an economy where the wealthy prey on the poor. In this message, Bob proposes that an economy rooted in self-interest will always divide the people of God. But practices of sharing and generositiy can bring God's peace.

It only took 52 days to build the wall. Nehemiah relied on the power of God and the unity of the workers. Workers were merchants, goldsmith, politicians, and even a perfume maker. This church and city will be rebuilt when we focus less on our personal gifts and more on the mission that God has put in front of us.

Go Rebuild

Nehemiah's route back to Jerusalem was blessed by God and King Artexerxes. But it wasn't easy. No journey is. There are times in our lives when God says "Go" but obstacles make us rethink our calling. This message reminds us of our highest calling and the way that it motivates us to keep going even when things get difficult.

There is so much for us to learn from Nehemiah’s prayer for Jerusalem. Nehemiah affirmed promises made by God while also recognizing the human side of the covenant. Nehemiah confessed the sins of the system while also maintaining personal responsibility. Nehemiah prays boldly, as should we for our city and our country.

Revisiting Humble Means

Our tradition of taking up an offering comes from an early Christian practice of churches sending money back help the poor saints in Jerusalem. In this message, Bob says that the early Christians developed a discipline of giving that informs how we can be disciplined about other practices. None of these is more pressing in 2022 than the need to give our time.

Extreme Makeover

Paul says there are some things that serve as stumbling blocks (such as divisive opinions), while there are other matters that serve for mutual upbuilding (righteous, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit). Our challenge as a church will be to center the things that matter most to God while not giving in to the temptation to force our specific viewpoints on others.

Flip or Flop

Jesus says that the definition of building a house on the rock is hearing his words and putting them into action. But which words? There are around 51 instructions in the Sermon on the Mount. When we practice them we build on the rock.

Fixer Upper

Old churches can be a lot of work. But they are worth it. How can believers fix up the church? We do it when we use our words, gifts, and habits to build up the body.

This Old House

The church is not a building; it is people. But the people must come together to be built up into what God imagines the church should be. This message considers how an old house like the church can be reinvigorated in the new year.

He Will Be Called Messiah

Everybody is waiting for the Messiah. But what do they do while they wait? In this message, Bob reminds us that ministry is what we do while we wait. We dedicate ourselves to acts of service, spiritual disciplines, and quiet ways of ushering in the kingdom, while we anticipate the return of the Lord.
