Welcome to Sin City,
We are nonplussed that you have chosen to make this your new home. Sure, this isn’t a place most people imagine spending their life, but we’ve found that once people come, they tend to stay.
Some cities brag about stunning art museums or famous orchestras. Others boast bustling cafes and manicured parks. But Sin City is a different kind of place.
This is where dreams come apart.
Signs are everywhere yet people keep getting lost.
It's always gloomy and the confusion is worse than the congestion.
Broken windows. Broken promises. Broken hearts.
Some metros pride themselves on their libraries. In Sin City we don’t need them; we already know everything. We also don’t plant trees, research cancer, or attend school. We gave up on the future years ago. Hope is for dreamers.
Our origins date back to the beginning. People decided they didn’t want to live in the good place because it was too restrictive– with its HOAs, neighborhood covenants, traffic laws, and zoning regulations. So they decided to build their own metropolis, sorta taking their bite out of the Big Apple. It failed in the best way. And people have been moving here ever since.
What does it take to live here? Just be yourself. Whatever you want, whenever you want it. Feel an urge? Surrender and indulge. Got a problem? Blame, deflect, and scapegoat. Hold your grudges. Vilify your enemies. Ignore your culpability. You will fit in great here. Everyone will hate you.
One city promised “What happens here stays here.” Not in Sin City; it follows you forever. You’ll get so addicted you’ll never want to go back to the towns where you were saddled with the burdens of honoring parents, loving neighbors, and doing good to all people. The chaos can really grow on you.
Even if you want to leave, good luck. Arrivals outnumber departures by a lot. And the exit ramps are terribly narrow. Sure, some people have made it out, but never on their own; they’ve always required help from the outside.
Maybe you’ll find it; hopefully not.
Your Enemies at Sin City